Articles by "inspirational post"
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How To Manage Hurdles As An Artiste - Godhope Uche (

Digest these below; before reading..

Over the past years as a musician and as a label owner, we have faced many difficulties, and It has taught us to approach problems differently, approach our work differently, and adjust to a "new" normal.

 The mental strain has been particularly great for some people. I feel so bad for people who have to separate themselves because they live alone in music. quite challenging.

What can we do, then, to support ourselves when faced with difficulties? I frequently encounter difficulties in my work as an artist and creator. Even if they are not life or death, they can have a significant impact on mental health. What difficulties does an artist encounter? Over the past few Years, we have faced many difficulties and It has provided knowledge.

In these contents, we'll be more concerned about the commerce part of an artiste, that is, we'll be using words like Sell, buy, etc...

The Hurdles An Artist Faces And How To Successfully Surmount Them

False Identity Syndrome:

You know you've reached that point when you ask yourself, "Who am I to think I'm capable of selling my work?" Why then should they purchase from me? Why should they pay attention to me?

I'm not up to par: (I’m not good enough)

Even while you adore producing, there will inevitably be occasions when you doubt your abilities, especially if you're experimenting with an online media or technique. It's extremely upsetting.

Who would buy my artwork?

This one is typical of artists. In general, people are most critical of themselves, and artists appear to have that trait multiplied by 100.

 People lack the funds to purchase art.

This idea is prevalent among all creators, and it, in my opinion, discourages customers from purchasing from you. It's like when you display a piece of art, you immediately assume that no one will purchase it because it is too pricey. The same folks, however, will spend $70-$100 on a pair of shoes, so why not your artwork?

 People love to comment and express their appreciation for your work, but it's rare to have someone express a genuine desire to purchase it. (also a potential misconception)..

Having a location where people can go to buy your art

You can share it on social media, but they must also have a link that they can click to go to a store.

These are some of the difficulties I've encountered and occasionally still experience. How do you overcome these obstacles while continuing to develop as an artist?


First, False Identity Syndrome:

It's all about self-worth, a major problem in our culture. There is no quick treatment for this, but working on self-acceptance and love for oneself is essential.

I'm not up to par: (I’m not good enough)

This is once more a matter of value and respect for oneself. This was a significant problem in my own life, and it occasionally rears its head. To get rid of this, I've worked on myself utilizing EFT and constructive affirmations. These were effective for me if you are committed to have faith in yourself.

3. Who would buy my art?

This has a dual meaning because it is related to both feeling inadequate and having little faith in your own abilities. I've dealt with this a lot myself and discovered that I really don't need to pay attention to those who don't believe in my heart...

I enjoy advertising, but I also write a lot of pieces for amusement. I'm still putting effort into this aspect! In my opinion, a sale needs to feel genuine and beneficial. I truly enjoy sales and can completely understand why someone would find anything useful; however, I don't always see this with my own work. Very funny.

5. Providing a store where people can buy

This is MASSIVE! What activities do you have on social media? Do you actually provide a site for people to visit these images, or are you just publishing lovely pictures? There should be a CTA (call to action). On Instagram, I have one that links to various alternatives in my bio. You're mobile.

I hope this has clarified a few areas you can focus on to better yourself and your art company. Self-development is a huge component of the adventure that is life. Have success and keep creating.

I just had to begin with the above points and way out of the box, in this particular phrase.

One bitter you need to know, here is - "HURDLES WILL EVER REMAIN, FOR MUSICIANS, ARTISTE, AND CREATIVES" . and this is because we live in a world full of competition and strive. so educate your mind, and mental state to adapt and adjust to every hurdle...

One of the unavoidable way's to overcome challenges is to simply "ACCEPT" it and work on it. 

We appreciate your patience in reading this piece, do well to anticipate the Version 1.2 (V1.2)



IBOM TV Provides The Latest News In Areas Of Celebrity Gist, Gossip and Rumours, Entertainment News, Nigeria Politics and international politics.

Inspirational quotes from famous people can click a thought in your mind and bring positivity and motivation. Sometimes, we are so stressed and feel so anxious that our mental health is not very sound. We need some words of encouragement and some motivational words to rescue us at these difficult times. A simple inspirational quote or motivational word can lead a person to positivity.
We have compiled a list of motivational quotes to help you feel motivated and positive.

Motivational Quote by Rumi:

Rumi brings love, peace, and harmony in the equation of life. He believes in inner peace while pursuing your goals so that the journey is not dominated by materialism but by love.
In the following motivational and inspirational quote, Rumi’s words of encouragement lift the soul with positivity and assure that you will be able to fly high.

It is easy to get lost in the day to day routine. This is how we lose the passion and excitement to push it and achieve more or probably achieve it differently. Moreover, it is also important to aim high but achievable. Make small and continuous changes. One day, however, you will realize how far you have come and what greatness you have achieved. But make sure, do not lose the goodness within you. Don’t be the one who wants everything by hook or crook. Save the innocent child within you and keep going.
“You were born with potential.
 You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”

Inspirational Quote by Churchill:

Winston Churchill was an inspiration when things got tough. He always refused to give in and faced difficulties with courage. The following inspirational quote is very relevant when the situation looks bleak, and there is no ray of hope and positivity. Churchill’s words of encouragement show there is a silver lining in every difficulty.
“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.”

Inspirational Quote by Socrates:

Socrates had this firm conviction in reality. He believed in stable mental health for success in life. While you will find many people giving words of encouragement, Socrates, in this inspirational quote, touches a bitter reality.

Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those who kindly reprove thy faults.
To put it differently, not everyone who approves all your actions is sincere with you. Sometimes, what is more, important is to hold you back and show you where you are going wrong.
Socrates also said these words of encouragement, motivating you to instill the values of positivity and honesty in your life. The more positivity you introduce in your life while practicing the values you believe in, the more they become a part of your character. Nothing to pretend later on! Amazing, isn’t it?
“The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them.”

Motivational Quote by Plato:

Plato also agrees with Socrates here by emphasizing on practicing. In his motivational words, he busts the myth of natural talent and excellence, or absence of it, thereof. He thinks everyone can achieve excellence.

“Excellence is not a gift but a skill that takes practice. We do not act rightly because we are excellent; we achieve excellence by acting rightly.”

Inspirational Quote by Martin Luther King, Jr:

We judge the real character of a man at the time of difficulty. The one who can stand by his principles and shows courage is a man of substance with stable mental health.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Motivational Quote by Stephen Hawking:

These are actual motivational words by Stephen Hawking. He encourages everyone to find the potential they have, work hard, and never give up. In the long run, working hard in the right direction always pays off.

Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the Universe exist. Be curious. And however, difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.

Motivational Quotes by Susan Sontag:

According to Susan Sontag, what you need to succeed is within you. This inspirational quote of Susan Sontag is the basis of sound mental health. Pay attention while being mindful and do not wait for others to validate you or your efforts.
The first boost of confidence and the will to change your life for better should come from within you. You know yourself the best, and you are the one who is the most interested in your success and wellbeing. So be eager to change, be anxious to improve, be keen to work, and achieve whatever you are missing in your life.
Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration’s shove or society’s kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It’s all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. Stay eager.

Inspirational Quote by Vince Lombardi:

According to Vince Lombardi, strong will is the foundation of achieving anything in life. Unless you have an intention to succeed, you are bound to fail. This is especially relevant in cases where you are struggling and need to change things. It can be bad habits, sleeping schedules, weight loss, addiction, or change of career. However, physical strength is not the solution here; all you need is a strong will to stand up and face the situation.
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of will.”
The quotes are by famous people who spent their lives struggling and facing difficulties. They actually know the what, how, and why, behind a story. All their quotes and sayings are actually the extract of their whole life struggles and difficulties. So yeah following and keeping these quotes in mind are of great worth and great help for motivation too.