When i was young,I had so much hope,I wanted to grow up so fast,I thought adults were living the life and they just didn't want to spend on us,I just wanted to grow up and be independent.

I grew up and life told me growing up came with it's own responsibilities,so much bills to pay,so much expectations from the younger and older ones, should we talk about me wanting to be a doctor or a lawyer but ended up studying Business administration 😂the irony of life,we graduate and still struggle to get a job,if you are lucky, you will probably get it immediately and if you are not,you have to pay to get a job or through connections,we need connections for everything in Nigeria.

No job yet right? We decide to be become entrepreneur,that's a story for another day😂.

We have a perception that adult life is easy and fun till we meet ourselves there and we have no idea on what to do.


Yire Fwesh

Vestibulum bibendum felis sit amet dolor auctor molestie. In dignissim eget nibh id dapibus. Fusce et suscipit orci. Aliquam sit amet urna lorem. Duis eu imperdiet nunc, non imperdiet libero.

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  1. I don't want this adult life again 😭 nobody wants to spend on me effortlessly 💔 I want my baby self back 😭
